Acupuncture Facelift in Greenville, SC

Greenville Acupuncture Facelift

Many women (and men!) want to look younger but feel hesitant about taking drastic measures. Traditional facelifts often come with complications or an unnatural, “plastic-y” look. And many people are concerned about Botox being toxic or limiting facial expressions.

But there’s another option! For a fraction of the cost of a facelift, you can get an acupuncture facelift, which has little to no side effects and enhances what you already have, creating beautiful, natural-looking results.

Dr. Marina, who has been performing acupuncture facelifts for years, says it is a very old technique–in the Asian culture, it’s very important to take care of your skin.

How does it work? Quite simply, the acupuncture needles increase the flow of collagen and elastin to the skin’s surface. They immediately begin to lessen wrinkles and lines. In fact, you’ll likely see improvements after the very first session!

Most people need an initial 6-8 sessions to achieve full results. Then, you can enter maintenance and only have sessions a few times a year!

Check out Dr. Marina on FOX Carolina explaining the benefits of the acupuncture facelift and performing one on camera!

Worried that it will hurt? No worries. You’ll barely feel a thing, we promise!

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Want to learn more? Email us at for more information or to schedule a free consultation. We can also be reached at (864) 370-1140.


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